Some of you may have noticed that my photos have gotten a little larger and now look like this.
I usually size my photos to 550 wide using picmonkey. One day after I had uploaded a photo from my computer, I clicked original size by accident and the above size photo is what came up. Now I use original size as the size for my photos and get a bigger photo to post without having to figure out how to make a bigger photo using HTML, which I know nothing about.
I usually use LiveWriter to write my posts, and I have found that this little trick does not work if you add the photos to it and then upload the whole post. The photos must be posted from your computer into the blogger post interface.
Anyway, just thought I would share this little bit of knowledge for what it is worth. Hope it helps someone.
Stop by tomorrow for a yummy apple/pear pie recipe.
A helpful tip, thanks. I'll give it a go